I am so grateful to all you people. The world is getting better and India has definitely arrived.
Malini spent her last Sunday with the Mentees in buying them an additional set of uniforms. She was concerned about them having to wear and wash their only set of uniforms everyday.
Mansi through her friends and contacts arranged 5 kilos of rice for more than 50 families whose houses have been flooded by the sudden rains in Chennai.
I was speaking to Anitha the other day and telling her the plight of kids of Rotary Nagar, her immediate response was, "..could I do something?".
I am sure the others are doing equally wonderful things. Please talk about it. We would be very happy to hear them.
I am uploading the photographs of Navrathri Golu at Lata's place. If any of you have some photographs to share. Please send it to me. I would have it uploaded.